Do you want to restart your computer now?

Geschreven op maandag 7 augustus 2006 in de categorie archief

Ik haat dit scherm. Hartsgrondig.

Iedere keer een automatische update van Windows gebeurd is, krijg je de vraag of je nu de computer wil herstarten, of later. Nu: nee, alsjeblieft, ik ben aan het werk! Later: dan krijg je om de 10 minuten, als een zeurend kind, diezelfde vraag opnieuw in je gezicht geduwd.

Maar er zou een oplossing zijn:

I found this after a lot of Googling, so I'd like to share the solution. Yep, this may not be new or even advanced but it surely helped me…

Anyone who is running Windows XP SP2 know what I'm talking about. That stupid, annoying, most ill-designed dialog box ever invented in the history of the computer science that asks "Updating your computer is almost complete. You must restart your computer for the updates to take effect. Do you want to restart your computer now?"
And there are only two options: Restart Now/Restart Later. "Restart Later" means that this stupid thing will ask you again in 10 minutes. Yes, if you're willing to work for the next 4 hours until lunch before rebooting, this means you'll need to answer this question 24 times. Did I mention that the dialog steals the focus?

Now, to get rid of it:
Start / Run / gpedit.msc / Local Computer Policy / Computer Configuration / Administrative Templates / Windows Components / Windows Update / Re-prompt for restart with scheduled installations

You can configure how often it will nag you (I re-configured it for 720 minutes, which means I'll be asked twice on a work day), or completely disable it.

Oh, I almost forgot: this setting is only loaded when Windows starts, so a reboot is needed. If that stupid dialog is on your screen now, just stop the "Automatic Updates" service (but keep it as Automatic, so it gets reloaded on the next start) and you won't see it again.

Lees er meer over.


  • Young Crazy Fool

    Young Crazy Fool17 jaar geleden

    Thanks voor de tip, vanavond eens instellen want zoals je zelf al aangaf, het is een verdomd irritant scherm.

  • Kris

    Kris17 jaar geleden

    Euh .. what's this windows thing these people keep talking about ?